Lingual Braces Removal

Lingual Braces Removal

Lingual braces are an excellent alternative to traditional metal braces for adult and teen patients who want to straighten their teeth discreetly. They are also a great choice for anyone with a busy lifestyle who doesn’t want the embarrassment of wearing metal braces in the workplace.
Like all braces, lingual braces require special care to maintain dental hygiene. This includes avoiding hard, crunchy or sticky foods that can get stuck in the brackets and wires.

The Process

Lingual braces are a popular option for patients who want to straighten their teeth without the look of traditional metal brackets. They can be bonded to the back of the teeth, so they are completely hidden from view.
To get lingual braces, your orthodontist prepares an impression of your mouth to create the brackets that will be bonded to the backs of your teeth. This is then sent to a dental lab for fabrication.
Once the brackets are created, they will be bonded to your back teeth using dental cement. This process takes about a week.
During this time, you’ll need to avoid hard or crunchy foods and sticky ones. This is because they can cause the cement to be removed prematurely, resulting in a damaged or missing bracket.
You will also need to make sure that you brush your teeth properly. You’ll need to do this two times a day for at least two minutes.
You will also need to ensure that you’re flossing (Tepe floss is especially effective) and rinsing your mouth with fluoride mouthwash after meals. This will help prevent bacteria, food fragments and plaque from developing.


If you’re getting lingual braces, you’ll need to prepare for the removal process. You’ll need to make sure that your teeth are completely clean so that you won’t have any bacteria or plaque buildup when your lingual braces come off.
You’ll also need to make sure that your orthodontist has removed any of the adhesive that’s been used to hold your lingual braces on. This will need to be scraped off with a special tool that can’t hurt your teeth.
Depending on how much glue is left on your teeth, this may take up to five minutes to remove. You can expect a bit of sensitivity during this time, so be prepared for that.
If you’re looking for a way to straighten your teeth without being noticeable, lingual braces might be the right choice for you. They’re an option for teens and adults who want to have a straight smile but are too embarrassed to wear traditional braces.


Lingual braces are the latest orthodontic treatment option for people who want a more discreet look and feel. These invisible appliances are bonded to the back of your teeth, on the tongue side (lingual).
As with other types of braces, lingual braces use brackets and arch wires to gradually move your teeth into their proper alignment. In this way, they can treat most malocclusions (bad bites) that can be corrected with traditional braces on the front of your teeth.
However, they do differ in several ways from conventional braces. They are less visible, don’t break off as easily, and allow for easier cleaning of your teeth.
To ensure that you can get the most out of your lingual braces, it’s important to pay close attention to your oral hygiene routine. You should also be extra careful to avoid foods that are hard, crunchy or sticky.
After all, you don’t want to end up with a broken bracket or permanent white or brown spots because of food that got stuck between your lingual braces.
You may experience some initial soreness after you have your lingual braces placed. This is normal and should fade over time as you get used to them. Your orthodontist may recommend using over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen to help you get through the first few days. You can also ask your orthodontist for special wax to place over any parts of the brace that are rubbing on your tongue and cheeks.

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