Should i get my wisdom teeth removed before braces

Should I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed Before Braces?

One of the most common questions we hear from parents is whether it’s okay to wait to get your wisdom teeth removed before braces. While it’s true that impacted wisdom teeth can cause issues, most people don’t need to get them removed before braces.
The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors. Understanding these factors can help you decide if it’s okay to wait to have your wisdom teeth removed.

Impacted Teeth

Most commonly, an impacted tooth is a wisdom teeth (third molar) but can be a canine. It occurs because of crowding, misalignment or a lack of space in the jaw.
A partially erupted impacted tooth can be hard to keep clean because it traps food and bacteria that cause infection and pain. If it is causing an imbalance in the bite or making other teeth shift, it will need to be removed.
An orthodontist can treat impacted teeth with braces. They can also use oral surgery to create room for the impacted tooth to erupt by itself or to remove any blockages that may be preventing it from coming in.


Crowding, or malocclusion, is a common dental problem that can cause problems with your teeth, gums and jaw. This condition can negatively impact your self-esteem and overall health, as well as increase your risk for tooth decay, periodontal disease, and other oral health problems.
There are many reasons why you may have dental crowding, including having an abnormally small jaw (genetics), losing your baby teeth prematurely or failing to remove them correctly, and other conditions that can disrupt the relationship between your teeth and your jaw.
If your teeth are crowded, orthodontics can correct them and improve the way you look and feel. Treatment options range from fixed braces and clear aligners to palatal expanders.


Many orthodontists and dental professionals don’t recommend removing wisdom teeth before braces unless there are a few reasons for doing so. These include impacted wisdom teeth, damaged surrounding teeth (cracked or broken crowns, fillings), or severe pain and sensitivity.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Sometimes a wisdom tooth doesn’t fully erupt through the gums. Instead, it forms in the jawbone where there’s no room to grow, is stuck in the gums or stays in the mouth producing pressure on other teeth.
If this happens, you might have problems with infections. Bacteria can build up in the spaces between impacted teeth and cause cavities and gum disease.

Damaged Surrounding Teeth

Eventually, your wisdom teeth will push against your second molars and cause them to crack, fracture or break. Occasionally, the wisdom teeth may even push on the roots or bone of these teeth, which can result in damage to the teeth as well.
When your wisdom teeth are removed, you will likely experience some swelling and bruising that lasts for a few days. Your dentist or oral surgeon will give you instructions on how to heal and keep the wounds clean. Drink plenty of water, avoid smoking during recovery, and follow your dentist’s instructions on how to brush your teeth and spit.


If you have crooked teeth, gaps between your teeth, or bite problems, braces can help. They’re a quick and effective way to correct alignment issues, but they’re an investment of time and money.
Many patients are concerned that emerging wisdom teeth will wreak havoc on their braces’ results. However, this is a misconception that isn’t supported by evidence.
For most people, their wisdom teeth won’t erupt until their late teens or early twenties. They’ll largely be unaffected by orthodontic treatment.
But for some, their wisdom teeth may partially erupt or become impacted because they lack space to grow. In this case, a specialist may recommend wisdom teeth removal to avoid any potential negative effects on your oral health.
Impacted wisdom teeth are a serious concern because they can damage your second molars, cause pain or infection, and spread bacteria to other areas of your mouth. In addition, impacted teeth can make it more difficult for you to properly clean your teeth and gums.

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