Do you need your wisdom teeth removed for braces

Do You Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed For Braces?

Getting braces can fix a variety of misalignment problems, such as crowding or spaces between teeth. During treatment, braces apply continuous pressure on the teeth to shift them into a more desirable position.

However, some patients are concerned that their wisdom teeth will interfere with the work of braces. While it’s true that wisdom teeth can cause some complications, they don’t necessarily need to be removed.

Impacted Teeth

An impacted tooth occurs when a primary (baby) tooth is not able to emerge into the mouth. This typically happens with wisdom teeth (third molars), but it can also happen with any other tooth in the jaw.
Impacted wisdom teeth may not cause problems for some people, but they can lead to a variety of dental issues if they don’t erupt properly. For instance, impacted wisdom teeth can push against other teeth and gums, which can result in pain or gum disease.
X-rays are usually taken to see how severe your impacted teeth are, and your dentist will make a decision based on that information. In some cases, your impacted teeth can stay in place, but other times they need to be extracted. For example, if your impacted wisdom teeth start to decay, you might need to have them removed to prevent further complications.


Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are the last set of teeth to develop within your mouth. They typically begin to erupt during adolescence and can cause problems if they’re impacted or haven’t developed fully.
When your wisdom teeth come in properly, they shouldn’t create any issues with your bite, alignment or crooked smile. However, they do sometimes grow in sideways or backwards toward another tooth, which is called an impacted wisdom tooth.
Impacted wisdom teeth can become a source of pain and infection. They can also trap food, bacteria and plaque between them and nearby teeth.
When this happens, you may notice a swollen back of your jaw or extra pressure in your mouth. If you’re experiencing these symptoms, it’s important to visit an orthodontist and get checked out immediately.

Gum Disease

The question of whether you need your wisdom teeth removed for braces depends on the situation. If the impacted tooth could potentially cause overcrowding in your mouth, it might be a good idea to have it removed before braces to prevent damage to your other teeth.
When your gums become red, swollen and bleed easily, you may have gingivitis (the early stage of gum disease). If left untreated, gingivitis can lead to more serious infections called periodontitis.
Your dentist will check for this during a regular check-up using a probe (periodontal probe). If you do have gum disease, your dentist will be able to treat it effectively with simple steps like brushing and flossing daily and getting regular cleanings from the dentist or dental hygienist.
If the problem is severe, a specialist in gum diseases (periodontics) might need to remove part of the gum tissue and stitch it back into place. This surgery is called a gum graft.

Damage to Other Teeth

Some people worry that the removal of their wisdom teeth will negatively impact the outcome of braces or other orthodontic treatment. That’s not necessarily true.
During your orthodontic treatment, your orthodontist may monitor the growth of your wisdom teeth. If they are erupting in a position that could cause problems later, your orthodontist can schedule them for removal before you start your treatment.
Damage to Surrounding Teeth – If a wisdom tooth doesn’t come in properly, it can press against other teeth, damaging them or making them vulnerable to decay and gum disease. It can also damage crowns, fillings and other restorations on these other teeth.
Sometimes, a wisdom tooth can block the eruption of a second molar and cause problems with the bite. This can lead to extensive orthodontic treatment, including prolonged braces and surgery. Often, it could have been avoided if the wisdom tooth had been removed in early childhood.

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