Dentist That Will Remove Braces Near Me

A Dentist That Will Remove Braces Near Me

Braces are often the treatment of choice for patients who have crooked or misaligned teeth. They can improve dental aesthetics and give you a straighter smile that boosts your confidence.

Once you’ve completed treatment, your orthodontist may recommend a retainer to keep your teeth in place. The dentist will take impressions of your teeth to make the retainer.

Dr. Mahtab Partovi

Leading Beverly Hills orthodontist Dr. Mahtab Partovi is committed to delivering patients a Hollywood smile that they love, utilizing a wide array of cutting-edge orthodontic treatments. Her unique approach – which she calls the Partovi Method – is one that delivers faster, easier and more beautiful results. The innovative concept she invented allows her patients to achieve straighter teeth without the ugly attachments often found in Invisalign treatment.

She is a dentist & dentofacial orthopedics practitioner in Los Angeles, CA and practices at 360 Orthodontics. She completed a residency at Jacksonville University School of Orthodontics and is affiliated with Cedars – Sinai Medical Center. She accepts several insurance plans, including Medicare. She is also dedicated to providing sustainable and personalized care in her state-of-the-art office.

360 Orthodontics

360 Orthodontics is a state-of-the-art orthodontists office that specializes in early care, braces removal, and a host of other dental solutions. Located in Liberty Hill, the new practice is designed to provide local residents with quality orthodontic care that caters to their lifestyle. They take a no-nonsense approach to dentistry and pride themselves on providing great customer service at a reasonable price. A top-notch staff, innovative technology, and a commitment to patient education will leave you with an excellent smile. For a great experience that you can be proud of, call 360 Orthodontics today to schedule your appointment! You will be glad you did. Or better yet, ask about our new specials and promotions that are sure to impress you. Our team of experts will guide you through the most important decisions that will help you achieve the beautiful smile you have always wanted. See you soon! We look forward to helping you and your family.

Los Angeles

If you want to get rid of braces, there is a dentist in Los Angeles that will do it for you. This expert will remove your traditional metal braces and replace them with clear aligners that are designed specifically for your teeth.

The Invisalign process is a great way to correct malocclusion and straighten your teeth without anyone noticing. You will be able to smile with confidence and have a more beautiful appearance!

Another option is to go with self-ligating Invisalign which has the same results as metal braces, but doesn’t have the wires and bands. This makes it more comfortable to wear and much less noticeable than traditional braces.

If you are looking for a dentist that will remove your braces, there is one in Los Angeles that is known for its quality services and excellent patient reviews. This dental practice provides general, restorative, and cosmetic dentistry services for all of their patients.

Braces Removal

There’s no doubt that one of the most exciting moments in braces treatment is when your orthodontist tells you that it’s time to remove them. It’s the moment you get to see your straight, healthy teeth for the first time!

During this time, you will experience some new sensations as the orthodontist uses special pliers to gently squeeze each individual bracket from your tooth. You may hear some cracking noises or odd sounds as the pliers do this, but this is normal and nothing to worry about!

After the brackets are removed, your orthodontist will then use a tool to scrape off any glue left on your teeth. This will take a few minutes and you might feel some sensitivity during this process.

Your orthodontist will then take a digital scan of your teeth to be used for fabricating a retainer that can help you maintain your new smile. The entire process should only take an hour or so and is usually pain-free!


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